In line with the Horizontal Priority on Social Inclusion, the PR.E.S.T.O. project stems from the following needs: difficulty for people with disabilities in accessing the Erasmus+ Programme; complications for VET providers in planning and managing mobilities with people with fewer needs; resistance due to the social and cultural background context; resistance due to the family and emotional dimension.
Awareness on social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities (hereafter: “ID”) has been slowly increasing during the last years thanks to measures and actions adopted at both National and European levels. The EU promotes the active inclusion and full participation of disabled people in society, in line with the EU human rights approach to disability issues.
Disabled people, and especially those with ID, are often discriminated in the workplace. Giving them the opportunity to do an internship abroad can represent an important chance to enrich their cv and to present themselves with greater determination in the face of potential employers.
The idea from which the project starts is to have the beneficiaries carry out a work placement in a context that facilitates them in putting into practice not only their professional skills but also social and personal ones.
Objectives of the project
The main aim of the project is to promote the social inclusion and to facilitate the transition to the labour market of people with intellectual disabilities thanks to their involvement in transnational mobilities.
The specific objectives are the following:
- To define a set of standards and tools for the design of transnational mobility paths for people with intellectual disabilities;
- To update the skills of the staff of VET providers in the design of transnational mobility projects involving people with intellectual disabilities;
- To promote the involvement of people with intellectual disabilities in work-based international mobility paths by raising awareness among VET managers, operators, NGOs and families of people with ID and among SMEs hosting interns;
- To promote the collaboration between VET providers, hosting companies and NGOs for the mutual design of transnational mobility opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities.
Target groups and beneficiary groups
PR.E.S.T.O will address:
• Target: VET centers that are not yet offering mobility experiences for people with intellectual disabilities: staff members, such as managers, projects designers, and operators
• People with ID and their families and NGOs assisting people with ID
• Beneficiaries: VET center tutors; SMEs managers hosting or willing to host interns from abroad
Analysis of the results of the Presto Project: click here for the Italian version.
Click here for the English version.
Intangible Results
• Definition of tools and of a training course for the design of transnational mobility paths for people with ID;
• Updated skills of at least 22 people (staff of VET providers) in the design of transnational mobility projects involving people with intellectual disabilities;
• Greater self-esteem and social competences of at least 12 people with mild intellectual disabilities
• Increased awareness on the need to involve people with intellectual disabilities;
• Increased collaboration between VET providers, SMEs and NGOs.
Main Tangible Results
O1-R1 PR.E.S.T.O. Guidelines
O1-R3 PR.E.S.T.O. Training course design, contents and material
O1-R5 6 Blended mobility projects
O2-R1: PR.E.S.T.O. Video
C1-R1: Short Term Joint Staff Training Event
C2/7-R1: 23 days of mobility in for 12 trainees
C2/7-R2: 12 Learning Agreement and Quality Commitment signed
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Promoting pEople with diSability Transnational mObility
Grant Agreement number: 2020-IT01-KA202-C01469E8
Dates: Start 01/09/2020 – End 14/04/2023
Project Coordinator: Consorzio Ro.Ma.
Email: info@euprojectpresto.eu
“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.