The PR.ES.T.O project in a nutshell
The “PR.E.S.T.O. – PRomoting pEople with diSability Transnational mObility”, is a KA2 Strategic Partnership co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU. Its main aim is to promote the social inclusion and to facilitate the transition to the labor market of people with intellectual disabilities thanks to their involvement in transnational mobilities.
In this framework the project will promote the involvement of people with intellectual disabilities in work-based international mobility experiences by raising awareness among VET managers, operators, NGOs and families, defining a set of standards and tools and updating the skills of the staff of VET providers.
The main target group of the project will be VET centers professionals, managers, tutors and SMEs managers.
To achieve these results the project will design and develop a training course for VET operators and an awareness raising campaign to promote the use of transnational work experiences as a key tool to foster the entrance in the labour market.
In doing so, the PR.E.S.T.O. project aims to give a relevant contribution to raise the number and the quality of the opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities to undertake international work experiences, overcoming VET managers’ and project designers’ rooted resistance and wide spreading knowledge of useful tools for the correct planning and organisation of the mobility of people with intellectual disabilities.

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Promoting pEople with diSability Transnational mObility
Grant Agreement number: 2020-IT01-KA202-C01469E8
Dates: Start 01/09/2020 – End 14/04/2023
Project Coordinator: Consorzio Ro.Ma.
Email: info@euprojectpresto.eu
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