Pubblicati da Vittoria Valentina Di Gennaro

The PR.ES.T.O. experimentation phase is about to start in Crete

The PR.ES.T.O. experimentation phase is about to start in Crete The first PR.E.S.T.O. experimentation is going to start in July 2022, with 8 French ID learners of DITEP Saint Denis. At first Cap Ulysse and DITEP Saint Denis staff (ARI association close to Bordeaux), went to visit EELI in Crete in order to prepare the […]

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PR.E.S.T.O. inclusive mobility for learners with ID

PR.E.S.T.O. inclusive mobility for learners with ID From May 3rd to 5th 2022 EfVET organised a new Thematic Teams Seminar. On this occasion, Saskia Dies, Project Manager and Trainer from INCOMA, made a presentation about the “PR.E.S.T.O. – PRomoting pEople with disability Transnational mObility” project. To start the workshop, Saskia gave some examples of common […]

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HospitABLE Businesses

HospitABLE Businesses As you may (perhaps)  know, traineeships abroad are one of the most unique features offered by the Valueable Network. These experiences are not only a great opportunity for persons with disabilities to acquire indispensable transferable skills for future employment, but also provide real benefits for hospitality sector businesses. Namely, they get to enhance […]

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The activities of the PR.E.S.T.O. Project continue

The activities of the PR.E.S.T.O. Project continue The staff met in Seville, at Incoma’s headquarters. The Joint Staff Training Event was held face to face between 29th, 30th, 31st of March and was introduced with an online meeting on 18th of March, which all partners participated to. This preliminary online meeting gave everyone the possibility […]

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How can the employment rate of disable people be increased?

How can the employment rate of disable people be increased? Two good practices in Spain and Poland According to the European Disability Forum only 50.8 percent of the persons with disabilities are employed, compared to 75 percent of persons without disabilities. Therefore, a change is needed in order to bring all these people into the […]

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Social inclusion of people with ID

Social inclusion of people with ID Access to the labour market is a difficult path for people with intellectual disabilities. The research findings show huge inequalities and discrimination, with people with any form of disability finding themselves much higher in the unemployment rates, compared to the general population. While there is a legislative framework aimed […]

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